
Time to meet the family, or not.

It’s that time of year when families are getting together for the holidays or love ones are traveling to different places to find comfort in family and friends.

This is also that time of the year where most relationships sizzle out or prepare to take that next step, which in most cases is meeting the family.

Now family could mean your children, your parents, your siblings, or your extended family members. Are you ready to take that next step? How do you split your time during the holidays with the one you have goo-goo eyes for and the ones who mean the most to you.

Now for some, this may take no thought.  

You are either one of those people whose family meets every one


you’re the one who’s cautious about who your family meets.

For example, the person you are in a relationship with has to be special and you have to see yourself with them long-term before inviting them to meet your family.

Well, if you are the one that’s struggling with whether or not this person is worthy of meeting your family, I have a few things you should consider, to help make your decision.

How long have you been dating?  If the relationship is fairly new, maybe you should make plans with them after you have spent time with your family.  New relationships can be tricky if you have the type of family that questions your relationship choices.

If you had to describe this person, would this be someone who the person who means the most to you would approve of?  Do you really want to mingle a love interest with family and the love interest is an atheist and your family members are devout Christians?

Have you told anyone about the person you have been dating? If you have not, it may make others feel uncomfortable to have someone around they never heard of during an intimate family gathering. Not to mention how awkward the date will feel knowing, no one knows or expected them.

I mean those are just some of the things I think should help guide your choice.

Basically, when the family gets together it is to catch up and let loose.  If your family will make you uncomfortable and put you on the spot for questions you are not ready to answer, like 

  • How long have you all been dating?
  • How serious is it?
  • Thinking about marriage?


your family likes to share details about you that you are not ready to share with your partner, like

  • Pictures of when you looked different from what you look like now.
  • Past relationships.
  • Examining your happiness level before and after dating.
  • Family issues that are not resolved, that involve you specifically.
  • Comparing your new love to others or the one that was so perfect for you.

Or it could just be your family is the embarrassment and you want to save your date from pre-judging you based on your family.

The decision is ultimately up to you. You can always choose to keep things low-key and do something with family and agree to do something with your partner later in the evening or the next day. But if you are ready for the family to meet the love of your life, bring them, but prepare everyone.