Dating,  Marriage

Valentine’s Day Fun Ideas

Looking for some fun, different, out of the ordinary Valentine’s Day ideas? Well, you have come to the right place. Lately, we have had to become very creative with how we spend our time and entertain ourselves. Trying to stay healthy in a world that thrives off of social interactions and intimate gatherings has been challenging. Not to mention how do you date or meet your potential husband/wife when you must stay away from everyone?

Well hopefully the love connections don’t stop and we are finding ways to find love, fall in love, and stay in love. These ideas I have for a fun Valentine’s Day are new ideas to me. It is taking two overdone ideas and making it one successful idea.

Remember the boudoir pictures women used to take for their man as a gift. Well, times have changed and women are not the only ones taking pictures for their partner. I’m sure we have all seen enough lingerie pictures to last us a lifetime so why not take it up a notch.

  • Body Art Photography – Edible body paint! Need I say more? Imagine a night of using your artistic abilities to paint the one you love with edible body paint. Ok, so you are not artistic that’s ok, just go crazy with colors and create a masterpiece on your masterpiece. When you are done become the photographer. Grab that smartphone that takes oh so professional-looking photos and have your model pose showing off your masterful work. If you decide to take some modest photos you can get them printed on a large canvas for your own personal bedroom art collection. This is a gift for two and it does not require putting yourself in a social setting that may risk your health.  The best part comes when it is time to remove the body paint. How you choose to do that is your business, just have fun and keep those pictures protected.

Another idea that combines two overdone ideas but no matter how many times we receive it we continue to love it, is a spa day.

  • At-Home Spa Day – I know what you are thinking, how can a spa day at home be relaxing and fun? Well, how about indulging in a spa day where you are completely pampered by the one you love. I’m talking glove free touches by the one you love. Now the scene must be set by using one room to decorate with candles, a diffuser for the essential oils, warm towels, clean warm sheets, body oils (they make edible oils), fruit, a basket filled with a new comfy robe, slippers, face mask, and your favorite bottle of wine. Continue to set the mood with dim lighting and soft music of your choice. This can be a gift for one or a gift for two by returning the favor of an intimate massage. As you prepare this day think about enticing all five senses of the one you are pampering. Make sure there is something beautiful to look at, make sure you are provided relaxing sounds and smells, making tasting and touch the most intimate not forgetting to live in the moment. 

Finally, the best Valentine’s Day idea of all requires leaving the home if you are in a position to do that. This takes preparation so don’t wait until the last minute to put it all together.

  • Hotel Stay with a Twist – I know that times may be tough for some, but if you are in a position to do this activity I highly suggest it.  Now you don’t have to go out and rent the most expensive hotel experience, you can do something as quaint as a bed and breakfast for four hours. Yes, that’s right, you do not have to stay in a hotel room for a whole night and day some hotels allow you to book for just four hours.  Anyway, you should reserve a hotel room that requires at least an hour’s drive. A new location with the scenery. For example, if you are an hour away from an ocean or national park, that would be an ideal location. Reserve the room with a view. I personally prefer bed and breakfasts or an Airbnb. Stock up on all your loves favorite snacks and drinks and along the way pick up their favorite meal. Plan to spend your time at the hotel in bed or if you snagged a place with free recreation like walking on the beach plan your time out wisely. Silent phones, leave laptops and tablets behind, you will be unplugging. Really take this time together to talk, maybe even complete my free couples journals. Take this time to reconnect, you only have tonight. Make it a night you won’t forget. Bring your own kinkiness but remember it is really about reigniting that spark or make sure it does not go out. The strongest relationships are built on communication, and now will be your chance with no interruptions.

Whatever you choose to do this Valentine’s Day make it memorable.